Chemical Engineering Study Program, Kalimantan Institute of Technology held Open Talk and Academic Outreach activities for Chemical Engineering Study Program students on Friday (10/02/2023). The main material discussed includes FRS procedures, academic planning, introduction to MBKM, student ethics, and awards for students with the highest GPA for each batch. With Dr. Eng. Lusi Ernawati, M.Sc. as the Coordinator of the ITK Chemical Engineering Study Program.
The activity began with an introduction from Dr. Eng. Lusi Ernawati, M.Sc. as the new ITK Chemical Engineering Study Program Coordinator with a management period of 2023-2027. Followed by the delivery of the vision and mission and the ranks of lecturers who teach during PSTK ITK academic activities.
In the presentation on academic material it was explained that academic activities begin with FRS guardianship where students coordinate with their respective guardian lecturers to discuss lecture planning for the even semester of 2022-2023. If a student has planned to study during lectures but wants to add or delete it, it can be done until a predetermined time. For adding courses, it can be done until the 3rd week (6 March 2023) and for deleting courses, it can be done until the 7th week (3 April 2023). There are also academic regulations that students need to pay attention to. Regarding the evaluation of the preparatory stage at the end of the second semester, 18 credits out of the 36 credits that have been taken in the preparatory stage get a GPA ≥ 2.0. At the end of the fourth semester, the entire preparatory study load has been completed with a GPA ≥ 2.0 and a minimum grade of C. Regarding the undergraduate stage, students who have completed 12 semesters have not succeeded in completing a study load of 144 credits, including the Final Assignment. The material ended with the submission of study planning recommendations for PSTK students from semesters 1 – 8 and the requirements for passing PSTK ITK.
The ITK Chemical Engineering study program is one of the pioneers of implementing MBKM in ITK. PSTK ITK's active contribution is also a manifestation of improving the quality of tertiary institutions in order to facilitate, encourage and accelerate PSTK ITK in achieving its goals which are reflected in the 8 (eight) Main Performance Indicators stipulated in the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 3/M/2021 concerning Performance Indicators Main State Universities and Higher Education Service Institutions at the Ministry of Education and Culture. On the other hand, the achievement climate in PSTK ITK also needs to be developed and becomes an opportunity for study programs to develop educational processes which are also supported by the recognition of the MBKM program. In fact, many PSTK students have a passion for creating great works that are competed at the national/international level or works from innovative ideas. Ideally, independent studies/projects are carried out to complement the curriculum already taken by students. PSTK ITK also wants to initiate an independent project program to accommodate student achievements which in the future will be recognized by converting credits for both compulsory and elective courses.
In the presentation of student ethics it is conveyed that in contacting lecturers it is necessary to pay attention to when sending messages (if it is about academics only during working hours and working days), using good and correct Indonesian, starting with greetings, writing minimum identity in the form of name and NIM, writing requirements with clear and concise, saying sorry to show your humility and ending with a word of thanks.
The activity ended with a question and answer session and awarding for students with the highest GPA achievers Class of 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022. The students who received the award were Evelin Winata (05191023) with GPA 3.79, Muhammad Zulfikar (05201058) with GPA 3.68, Ariesta Robiatul Alifia Aziza (05211011) with a GPA of 3.73, and Muhammad Rafly Fadillah (05221074) with a GPA of 3.61. It is hoped that with this awarding students will be more enthusiastic about learning and increasing the GPA of PSTK ITK students.
Hopefully this activity can encourage PSTK ITK students to continue the relay of achievements to become #Excellent & Trusted Generation!