Laboratoium room used by student Chemical Engineering study program.
Laboratory of Basic Chemistry

At the initial level of lectures, Chemical Engineering Study Program students are required to go beyond the Tahap Persiapan Bersama program. One of the subjects that need to be supported in laboratory/practical activities is Basic Chemistry. Several experimental topics that need to be carried out include: (1) Solutions and Dilutions; (2) Stoichiometry; (3) Chemical Kinetics; (4) Thermochemistry; (5) Rate of Reaction and (6) Acid Alkalimetry..
In addition, to support further application of the concepts of natural science, engineering mathematics in the case of chemical engineering, practical activities are also carried out in the Applied Chemistry Laboratory. Some of the courses supported include: (1) Analytical Chemistry; (2) Organic Chemistry; and (3) Physical Chemistry.
Currently, learning activities for basic chemistry practicum are under TPB Program. Physically, all facilities and equipment that were previously the responsibility of PSTK are now managed by Laboratorium Terpadu, ITK. The Basic Chemistry Laboratory is now carrying out a function to assist departments in planning, organizing, monitoring, evaluating, and facilitating educational, research and community service activities that utilize laboratory facilities.
ITK students
For those of you ChE ITK students who want to conduct research or activities that use laboratory facilities, you can directly apply for a loan of facilities through SIM Labter or you can consult with the Head of the Basic Chemistry Laboratory (Mr.Asful Hariyadi / in ITK Campus, Room B-106
For those of ITK external parties who wish to cooperate in the implementation of the tridharma of higher education (Education, Research, and Service), consulting industrial problems, the need for analysts / experts, or cooperation in other forms, especially chemical engineering, please contact one of the following contacts:
1. Koordinator Laboratorium Terpadu (Mr. Adi Marindra /
2. Koordinator Tahap Persiapan Bersama dan Matakuliah Umum (Mrs. Primadina Hasanah /
3. Koordinator Program Studi Teknik Kimia (Mr. Adrian Gunawan /
4. Kepala Laboratorium Kimia (Mr. Asful Hariyadi /
Laboratory of Process Technology

Starting in 2020, the Process Technology Laboratory which was formerly within the Chemical Engineering Study Program, Kalimantan Institute of Technology (PSTK ITK) underwent a management change. Physically, all facilities and equipment that were previously the responsibility of PSTK are now managed by the ITK Integrated Laboratory. Structurally, the Process Technology Laboratory is now within the management structure of the Department of Industrial and Process Technology (JTIP) ITK.
The Process Technology Laboratory is now carrying out a function to assist departments in planning, organizing, monitoring, evaluating, and facilitating educational, research, and community service activities that utilize laboratory facilities. Several courses that carry out learning activities in this laboratory include (1) Fluid Mechanics; (2) Heat Transfer Operations; (3) Stepwise Separation Operations and Homogeneous/Heterogeneous Chemical Reaction Techniques.
ITK students
For those of you TMM ITK students who want to conduct research or activities that use laboratory facilities, you can directly apply for a loan of facilities through SIM Labter or you can consult with the Head of the Process Technology Laboratory (Ms. Azmia Rizka Nafisah / ) in Building B, ITK Campus, Room B-106
External ITK
For those of you external ITK parties who wish to cooperate in the implementation of the tri dharma of higher education (Education, Research, and Service), consulting industrial problems, the need for analysts/experts, or cooperation in other forms, especially material and metallurgical engineering. You can contact one of the following three contacts:
1. Head of the Department of Industrial and Process Technology (Mr. Himawan Wicaksono /
2. Coordinator of the Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Study Program (Mr. Adrian Gunawan /
3. Head of Process Technology Laboratory (Ms. Azmia Rizka Nafisah /