Student Activity

1. Family Gathering

The activity strengthens the bonds of friendship between the ITK Chemical Engineering academic community in the splendor of the ITK HIMATEKKIM HUT.




2. Entrepreneurship Webinar

The activity provides an introduction and understanding of preparing proposals that will be the initial strategy in the KBMI competition to Chemical Engineering students and providing information and educating about steps to build or run an innovative and creative business in the new normal.



3. CHESAR (Chemical Engineering on Sharing)

Activities to establish friendship and foster caring attitudes between ITK Chemical Engineering students and the community through social services.




4. CERNATION (Chemical Engineering Graduation Event)

The activity celebrates and appreciates the graduation of ITK Chemical Engineering graduates so that good relations can be established between ITK graduates and Chemical Engineering students.




5. Riset Rutin

A place to increase the critical, creative, and innovative power of all members of BSO Black Orchid HIMATEKKIM ITK.




6. Course Academy

Helping first and second year ITK Chemical Engineering students in understanding lecture material.




7. Chemical Engineering Forum Fiscussion (CHEFF Discussion)

Student activities for Chemical Engineering ITK students can find out the issues that occur in the internal scope of Chemical Engineering ITK and can foster a culture of discussion to produce suggestions and solutions in handling issues related to discussion forum activities.




8. Achievement Gelora Post

1. As a forum and means for Chemical Engineering students of the Kalimantan Institute of Technology to discuss and consult about various scientific writing competitions
2. Provide information about the scientific world in the form of examples of PKM proposals, essays, and other scientific writings




9. Organizational Appreciation and Competition

Giving appreciation to outstanding students in Chemical Engineering ITK which also aims to build a spirit of achievement for other students.