2023 PKM Funding Recipient Funded Participants of the 2023 Student Creativity

Online - 16 Juni 2023
Students of the Chemical Engineering Study Program, Kalimantan Institute of Technology excelled in the 2023 Student Creativity Program (PKM) activities. Two teams successfully passed funding in the fields of PKM-KC (Ciptation Work) and PKM-RE (Exact Research).

The first team that succeeded in obtaining PKM-KC funding was entitled "Portable Water Treatment with Media Mesocarp Fiber/Manganese Zeolite/Activated Carbon as a Solution for Providing Clean Water in Well Water" chaired by Syifa Syahnanda Hermanto (05201085) with members Nadiya Riska Dwi Putri ( 05201059), Anestasya Yosep (05211008) and Indra Budi Waskito (04201042) with Dr. Eng. Lusi Ernawati, M.Sc.
The progress of the PKM preparation starts with the idea carried out by the team, which is then followed by joint assistance with the supervising lecturer, after the idea consultation stage is complete, then the proposal preparation process begins in detail following the 2023 PKM guidelines. The proposal selection process begins with internal selection to certify that the PKM idea that it was proposed that it was technically feasible from the internal campus, then the stage of filling in data on simbelmawa where the output of filling in data on simbelmawa was funding from the center by KEMENDIKBUDRISTEK. Participants who register are confirmed to be from all campuses in Indonesia who have passed their respective internal selection.

This achievement simultaneously maintains the image of ITK Chemical Engineering which from year to year is always active in sending PKM teams to compete at the national level and this also proves that the human resources in ITK Chemical Engineering are the best.

Congratulations on the achievement!

Generation of ITK Chemical Engineering, Superior and Trusted.